Dirt Cake Recipe

How to make Dirt Cake

Dirt Cake Recipe


15 servings

1.       1 package Oreos
2.       8 oz cream cheese, softened
3.       1/2 cup butter, softened
4.       1 cup confectioner's sugar
5.       2 x 3.5 oz. instant vanilla pudding packages
6.       1 tsp. vanilla
7.       3 cups milk
8.       12 oz. Cool Whip
9.       Gummy worms to garnish
10.   Glass dessert bowl


1.       Crush Oreos or blend in food processor.
2.       Blend: Cream cheese, butter, vanilla, confectioner's sugar.
3.       In separate bowl, whisk together milk and pudding mix. Fold in Cool Whip.
4.       Add cream cheese mixture to pudding.
5.       Layer dessert bowl evenly with Oreo crumbs and cream. Garnish with gummy worms.

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